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Staffing: our commitment

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Getting staffing right

Over the last few years there is an increasing focus on the safe delivery of compassionate care. In 2013 the National Quality Board produced guidance to mandate the publishing of staffing information publicly on a monthly basis. Each organisation is also expected to complete a workforce review on a six monthly basis. Our commitment is to publish our reports in relation to staffing in this section of our website and information will also be available on NHS Choices.

We will continue to work with our staff and patients to ensure that our staffing requirements meet the care needs of today. It is imperative that staff have time to learn, reflect and to work as a team to deliver the best possible care.

Alongside our staffing data is some of the information that we collect on measuring the quality of care that is delivered. We hope that you find this useful and informative, after all we want you to receive great care and that’s why staffing is so important.

Safe staffing documents

Next review due: 1 October 2022