The Trust works to make sure that ‘quality’ is at the heart of everything we do. By ‘quality’ we mean making sure everything that we do is focussed on providing patients with the best possible care and experience.
We want to make sure all of our patients get compassionate care, care that keeps them safe and care that is effective in helping them with their condition.
Building on the existing work that has taken place since the formation of the Trust in July 2011, the Trust has identified a number of priorities for the year, aimed at making sure our services are the best they can possibly be.
Setting quality priorities
- We have worked with patients, members of the public, staff and other NHS and local authority partners to make sure that our priorities address their thoughts, concerns and aspirations for community health care
As a result, the Trust's Quality priorities for 2017/18 are:
- Continue our work to be a provider of good or ourstanding Caring, responsive, Effective, well Led and Safe services for our patients using quality accreditatiob and assurance tools
- Improve the discharge from hospital experience
- Transition of Care : Ensuring patients transfer from one service to another safely, easily and without disruption or gaps in service provision
- Sign up to Safety - Putting Safety First: Safer care of the deteriorationg patient. Recognising and respinding to deteriroration and promoting successful recovery from ill health
- Service redesign and change: Optimising the use of technology
More details on each of the above priorities and other quality related activity may be found in the Trust’s Quality Accounts Documents section below.
Quality Account Documents
- Quality Account 2023-2024
- Quality Account 2022-2023
- Quality Account 2021-2022
- Quality Account 2020-2021
- Quality Account 2019-2020
- Quality Account 2018-2019
- Quality Account 2017-2018
- Quality Account 2016-2017
- Quality Account 2015-2016
- Quality Account 2014-15
- Quality Account 2013-14
- Quality Account - At a Glance 2012-13
- Quality Account 2012-13
- Quality Account 2011-12
- SCPCT Quality Account 2010-11
Sign up to safety
Contact us
Quality remains at the heart of all of our work. For more information specifically about how Quality fits into the organisation's approach to patient care, please contact:
Director of Nursing and Quality
Claire Hobbs
Safeguarding Lead
Julie Harris
Tel: 01952 580318/580387
Quality Facilitator
Alan Ferguson