Our services
We work in partnership with Social Care and Education to help Looked After Children remain healthy both physically and emotionally.
Initial Health Assessments (IHAs) are completed by the Community Paediatric Service and led by the Designated Doctor for Looked After Children.
The Looked After Children Health team arrange, co-ordinate and undertake Statutory Review Health Assessments (RHA) for children cared for by Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Local Authorities in accordance with Department of Health Statutory Guidance.
The team also complete Review Health Assessments (RHA) for children placed into area from other Local Authorities. The Review Health Assessment (RHA) is a statutory assessment for all children looked after and supports and informs the child's care plan and Looked After Children review process.
Review Health Assessments (RHA) will be undertaken:
- Every 6 months for children under 5 years old
- Annually for children and young people aged 5-18
The Initial and Review Health Assessments include:
- Physical health
- Diagnosis/medical conditions
- Dental health
- Visual health
- Developmental growth
- Immunisation record
- Emotional/mental health
- Sexual Health (over 13’s)
The completed Initial or Review Health Assessment (RHA) is shared with the child/young person's GP and the care plan is shared with the child/young person, the Carer and the child/young person's Social Worker.
All requests to complete a Health Assessment should be made via the Team email: shropcom.shropshirelachealthteam@nhs.net
Leaving Care Summary Health Passport
The team also arrange and complete Leaving Care Summary (Health Passports) for young people cared for by Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Local Authorities age 17 years old prior to their 18th birthday. The Health Passport provides young people with a record of their medical history and health information relating to transition to adulthood. This forms part of the Local Offer to Care Leavers for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Local Authority young people.
Free Prescriptions for Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Care Leavers!
Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin CCG fund pre-paid prescription certificates for care leavers currently aged 16-25 who would otherwise not be entitled to free prescriptions. The following are not exempt from paying prescription charges therefore would be eligible to apply for pre-paid prescription certificate:
• Young people in work/apprenticeships.
• Young people with an income of over £15,276.
For more information please access: shropshiretelfordandwrekinccg
To apply, use this application form and email it back to:
Shropshire Local Authority care leavers: stwccg.shropshiresafeguarding@nhs.net or
Telford & Wrekin Local Authority care leavers: stwccg.telfordsafeguarding@nhs.net
Contact us
Contact the Shropshire Looked After Children Admin Team
Who are we?
The Looked After Children Health Team is a led by the Named Nurse for Looked After Children within Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust. The Service completes assessments and provides advice and support to Looked After Children, their Carers and Social Workers to address health issues unique to this group of Children and Young People. The Looked After Children Health Team sits within the Children and Families Service of Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust.
The Looked After Children Health Team consists of:
- A Named Nurse
- Nurse Advisors
- Lead Administrator
- Team Administrators
Useful links
NSPCC Looked after children
NHS 111
Healthy Shropshire
BeeU Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust
Young Minds
Coram Voice
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and our "Local Offer"
What is the Local Offer?
The local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. You can find out more about information about this on our SEND reforms and Local Offers page.
SEND/Local Offer information
Full SEND and Local Offer details are located elsewhere:
In line with the Children and Families Act 2014 each local authority has a Local Offer which aims to bring together useful information across education, health and social care in one place for children and young people, their families, and for professionals. You can find information, advice and guidance, and a range of local service providers who support children and young people aged 0-25 years with SEND.
Please click here to access the Telford and Wrekin SEND Local Offer
Please click here to access the Shropshire SEND Local Offer
Please click here to access further information on the Trust's Local SEND Offer
How can families complain if they are not happy with the service?
All complaints are handled by our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints teams.