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We are a team of specialist nurses who provide assessment for continence problems, and we initiate conservative continence treatments where they are appropriate.

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Our services

We run clinics county-wide and see patients in their own home as appropriate.

Investigations include:

  • Assessment of Pelvic Floor tone
  • Bladder screening
  • Uroflowmetry (checking the flow of urine)

Our interpretation of these results guides the implementation of appropriate treatment pathways:

  • Bladder retraining
  • Clinical assessment in a clinic environment or home visits for the housebound
  • Fluid advice
  • General lifestyle advice
  • Initiating Intermittent self-catheterisation
  • Pelvic floor treatment programme
  • Training and education
  • Urinary and bowel voiding techniques

The people we see

Adults with bladder and or bowel problems.

Patients registered with a Shropshire or Telford GP.

New patients

Referrals can be made by healthcare professionals to include:

  • GPs
  • Hospital staff
  • Nursing and residential homes
  • Social Services

Patients can also make self referrals and should contact the service directly using the contact details on the right. Please note not all patients will be suitable for a self-referral and this will be decided on seeking further advice from the service.

What to bring with you

If you are attending a clinic you should bring the following completed paperwork as requested in your appointment confirmation letter:

  • Bladder Diary
  • Symptom Profile Form
  • IPPS Form (men only)

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to come to Telford for an appointment?

You can choose a clinic venue that is closest to you from across the county.

Why have I been referred?

You have been referred by your health professional because we need to conduct some investigations on your bladder or because you have some symptoms or problems relating to your bladder or bowel that we can help

Where are we?

The Continence Advisors are based at:

Shropshire Rehabilitation Centre
Lancaster Road
Tel: 01743 444062

Please note ALL referrals should be sent to this address.

Contact us

Use our Virtual Assistant

If you have lost or forgotten your appointment card, you can now use our Virtual Assistant to help check when your appointment is.

Please note that in using the Virtual Assistant you are consenting to your information being used by and handled by an external service.

Shropshire Community Health Artificial Intelligence Virtual Agent (

If you do not attend your appointment without prior notice you will be discharged. If you have two cancellations without a valid reason you will be discharged from the service.

Who are we?

We are a team of specialist nurses who provide assessment for continence problems, and we initiate conservative continence treatments where they are appropriate

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and our "Local Offer"

What is the Local Offer?

The local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. You can find out more about information about this on our SEND reforms and Local Offers page.

Service Description

Please see the Our services section above.

We support clinicians with advice on continence management.

What do you provide to children and young people with an additional need and or disability 0-25yrs?

Advice and support to clinicians involved with children and their parents/ carers in relation to continence management.

Do we provide support for parents and carers?

Yes via telephone contact or in joint visit as required.

Who can use our service? Age? Disability?

Adults with and without disabilities from 18 years old for assessments and clinical intervention.

How to access our service (inc. referral routes)

For Advice and support please contact: 01743 444062

Self-referral for Adults only aged 18 and above by phone or letter / GP or other Health professional usually a referral letter

Referrals are accepted from all Health Care Professionals. Please send your referral to:

  • Continence Advisory Service,
  • Shropshire Rehabilitation Centre,
  • Shrewsbury
  • SY1 3NJ

When and where is our service available?

Advice and support is available most week days however due to clinics being conducted throughout the week we are unable to guarantee that your enquiry will be dealt with on the same day

How can families contact the service?

By contacting 01743 444062, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm Excluding bank holidays.

For external agencies: is the service free or charged?

External training etc is charged.

Is the service accredited? If so, by whom?

Care Quality Commission

How can families complain if they are not happy with the service?

All complaints are handled by our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints teams.

Page last reviewed: 12 March 2024
Next review due: 12 March 2025