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Nursing care at home

The Community Nursing Teams provide nursing care, health education and support for patients who are unable to leave their home due to illness, or who have been identified as requiring care from the community nursing service.

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Teams work in partnership with patients, carers and family members to maximise patient independence to help give patients as much control over their care as possible.

Teams also work closely with partner agencies to deliver palliative and end of life care to patients and their families, supporting people to die at home if this is their preferred choice.

They also work closely with other services in the community, such as GPs, diabetes nurse specialists, tissue viability nurse specialists, continence nurse specialists, respiratory nurse specialists, therapists, social services, dieticians, speech and language therapists, rapid response, mental health nurses, wheelchair services, community equipment services and the local hospice.


The people we see

The care provided by the Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust's community nursing teams is for adults (over 18 year olds) registered with a Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin GP practice who are unable to access specific health care services from their GP or other NHS health care providers.

New patients

There is an open referral process, this means that patients that need nursing care at home can be referred into the service by a GP or other relevant health care professional.

Services we do not offer

We are not able to offer nursing care to patients who are able to access a clinic appointment for assessment or treatment.

Frequently asked questions

If a patient can travel to a clinic appointment, can they still access your service at home

No, they would be expected to attend a clinic or GP surgery. Help may be available with transport through Patient First on 01743 465565 or Dial-a-Ride on 01743 450350 but patients may have to contribute towards the cost of the journey.

Will you deliver services to patients over the long term?

This service aims to provide care to patients in the short to medium term, promoting patient self-care and involving families and carers towards empowering patients to have as much control over their own care as possible.

Where are we?

Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust

Ptarmigan House

Shrewsbury Business Park



Contact us

To contact your Locality Clinical Manager (LCM):

  • North West (Oswestry)
    Donna Jones
    Phone: 01691 663600
  • North East (Whitchurch)
    Donna Jones
    Phone: 01691 663600
  • Central (Shrewsbury)
    Donna Jones
    Phone: 01691 663600
  • Telford
    Jane Hollins
    Phone: 01948 666292
  • South East (Bridgnorth)
    Rachel Mole
    Phone: 01746 762641
  • South West (Ludlow)
    Katie Turton
    Phone: 01584 872201

To make a referral please go to the 'New patients' section.

Who are we?

Community Nursing Teams comprise of a Team Leader, Proactive Case Manager, Community Nurses, Nurse Associates, Assistant Practitioners, Health Care Assistants and Phlebotomists, supported by Administration staff who work together to deliver nursing care to patients in their own homes.

The teams provide holistic assessments, education, teaching, support and proactive planning to enhance the health of our patients, maximise their ability to self-care, and prevent avoidable hospital admissions. The team also provide holistic and sensitive end-of-life care at home to patients whilst supporting their loved ones and promoting dignity, personalised care and comfort at the end of life.

Page last reviewed: 20 March 2023
Next review due: 2 June 2024