For parents/carers.
If you would like to make a referral to our service (this is for a new referral and a re-referral) then please call our advice line.
Advice line number: 01743 450 800 (option 4)
For practitioners.
Please consult the flowchart if you are thinking about a referral to speech and language therapy.
Once you have completed a screening tool and the appropriate intervention, and would like further support for a child or young person then please complete a referral form.
We only accept electronic referrals. Referrals should be emailed to:
What could be offered if required: | What this involves: |
Assessment | We assess the child and young person's speech, language and communication or eating, drinking, swallowing skills. This may happen at home, in a clinic, at School or Early Years setting. |
Treatment | The treatment depends on the child or young person's needs. Part of our offer may be to provide assessment and joint planning to help parents, carers and others to support the child's communication. Direct treatment, when needed, is usually in a group and occasionally individually. We offer these interventions in clinics, Schools, Early Years settings and sometimes at home, based on the child's needs.
Specialist Treatment | Specialist treatment in Telford and Wrekin is provided at the two Language Classes for children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) previously known as Specific Speech or Language Impairment. In Shropshire this Specialist service for school-aged children is provided by outreach support to schools.
We have specialist teams who work with children in the areas of Dysfluency (stammering), Cleft Lip/Palate, Voice, Dysphagia (Swallowing), Learning and Physical Disabilities and ASD (Autism). Some of these specialists are based at the Child Development Centres or at Special Schools across the county. Other teams provide Specialist services in the community and Therapists will often arrange sessions at local clinics. |
Screening tools and Interventions
Screens help settings to find out what level the child or young person's speech, language and communication skills are. The information from the screen can be used to plan the intervention, if it is required. Once the intervention is completed you can measure the progress using the same screen. If a referral to the Speech and Language Therapy Service is required then all of this information is beneficial to add to the referral.
Following referral
When a referral is received, a decision is made about if we have been given enough information to decide whether we accept the referral and which pathway they may be allocated to. Interventions will depend on the child or young person’s needs. They may move between our various interventions which can vary in format. Please see our handbook (in the link below) for more information about the interventions we offer.
What to expect when you come for a Speech and Language Therapy appointment.
We have created a video to show what it is like when you come for a Speech and Language Therapy appointment. Click on this link to watch the video.
We have training workshops for parents and education settings.
For information about the training workshops that we offer please follow this link Our Training
For more information about our service, please see our handbook
External Resources
Library Services
Libraries love babies and children! They are warm welcoming places and love seeing children exploring books and activities whatever age they are.
There are no fines on children’s books or any fines at Telford libraries.
Libraries are not quiet places! Join in at Rhyme Time (Shropshire) or Bounce and Rhyme (Telford and Wrekin) to see how true this is!
Click on the following links for the dates and times, of Rhyme Time and Bounce and Rhyme, for your local library:
Rhyme Time Shropshire
Bounce and Rhyme Telford and Wrekin
Shropshire Libraries website Telford and Wrekin Libraries website
Speech and Language UK
The Speech and Language UK website has a variety of information for parents/carers and education settings. Below are links to some of the information from the website.
Communication Supportive Environment This factsheet is for parents/carers. It explains how we talk to children and use the space and things around us to support a child's speech, language and communication development.
Communication Supportive Environment for practitioners This factsheet is for education settings from the early years to secondary school. It discusses how to create a communication supportive environment for children and young people.
Supporting Children with Change This factsheet talks about the links between change and communication skills, and how to support children and young people with any changes.
Visual Timetables/Timelines This factsheet is about what a visual timetable/timeline is, how they will help children and young people, and how to use them.
Top 10 Toys This factsheet shares some games and toys which can be helpful in supporting the development of speech, language and communication.
How to support children and young people's speech, language and communication in schools - primary and secondary. Here you will find some top tips for teachers who are supporting a child or young person with speech, language and communication needs in the classroom.
Free Training from Speech and Language UK as part of their EYSEND partnership. The training is for Family Hub teams, family support workers, family engagement workers, parenting support teams, early help teams, play development workers, creche workers, adult and family learning teams, 0-19 health teams, social care, voluntary sector providers. Click on this link for further details and to book a place Free training - EYSEND partnership - Speech and Language UK
Early Years SEND Support Group
Fortnightly Drop in, held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month (except Bank Holidays).