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Special schools and SEND

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Who are we?

We are a team of Children's Physiotherapists who are specialised in working with children with complex medical and learning difficulties.

Around Telford and Shropshire we cover multiple special schools. Here is a list of some we cover and the physio's that work there.

  • Severndale Specialist Academy, Shrewsbury - Sara Butler, Sam Chadwick, Anita Evans, Claudia Moscato, Sonya Lucas
  • The Bridge School, Telford - Sara Butler, Rachel Corbett, Kate Wassell, Claudia Moscato and Sonya Lucas
  • Southall School, Telford - Sara Butler and Sonya Lucas
  • Haughton School, Telford - Sara Butler and Sonya Lucas
  • The Willow Tree Centre, Telford - Sara Butler and Sonya Lucas

The physiotherapy team are present on site at the Bridge and Severndale 1-2 days a week during term time and as needed or requested at other special educational settings across Telford and Shropshire. They are contactable throughout the week - please see our 'More support' section below.

What is our role in special schools?

As a service we will offer your child a physiotherapy review once a term. This termly review consists of checking any specialist postural equipment your child has in school and checking for any changes to your child’s posture or ability. We will then adapt our advice to school staff as required and update you.

This individualised advice will include physical exercise ideas and postural advice to aid your child’s development, comfort, and enjoyment when in the school setting. This often involves one to one sessions with staff where we will demonstrate activities that can be carried over into your child’s daily activities while they are in school. If additional sessions are needed for equipment needs or to ensure staff are confident with our guidance these will be provided.

When your child is close to a new physical developmental stage we may carry out a block of treatment should we feel it will aid their physical skills. The block has to have a specific functional goal and your child needs to be able to meaningfully engage in the activities being offered during the session. Medical needs, learning needs and scope for change will alter how appropriate a block of treatment is at a given time, and we will discus this with yourselves if a block is being considered.

If your child is known to physiotherapy at the time of their EHCP annual review we will contribute to this with a written report to share with both yourselves and school.

On an annual basis you will be offered a school holiday appointment for your child that will take place either in clinic or at home. This is a good opportunity to discuss your child’s changing needs, goals and your joint aspirations. We will at these appointments check any equipment provided by Shropshire Community Physiotherapy team and update any exercise/ advice to ensure skills are generalised across all settings.

What we ask of you

Should there be a change in your child’s medical condition that you feel will impact on their activity advice or ability to engage with any physical activity we ask that you relay this information to ourselves promptly to ensure they can be treated safely taking changes into account.

We are unable to make appointments with external agencies such as Shropshire wheelchair services and orthotics on behalf of your child, and we ask that parents and guardians contact these agencies promptly to avoid unnecessary delays in equipment alteration. See Equipment below for more information.


Equipment is often a large part of your child's physiotherapy management. Click the sub-headings below to expand more information.

Standing frames
Sleep systems
Walking aids
What equipment do physio NOT manage?
Concerned about a piece of equipment?

Concerns about my child's walking

Often children with learning difficulties have a different walking pattern and/or complain their legs are tired after a short walk. This is often very normal for them and a referral to Physiotherapy is not needed.

We recommend continuing to encourage physical activity - the key is to find something they enjoy and can do regularly as per of their routine. From here, you can gradually build up the duration and/or intensity of the activity to increase fitness levels. Check out our activity and exercise section below for some ideas.

If you feel there has been a change to how they walk, they have started limping, or they have showed you signs they are in pain, then please see our Getting more help page

Concerns about my child who has a long term physical condition

Please see our Long term conditions page for more information and support

Activity and exercise ideas for children with learning difficulties

Taking part in sports and physical activities is not only important for children in keeping fit and healthy and reducing the risk of obesity, it is important for helping children to feel more energetic, increasing their confidence and social engagement and having fun!

There are many inclusive sports clubs and activity groups in and around the Telford & Shropshire area, including some sessions specifically supporting children with learning difficulties.

Activities include martial arts, football, gymnastics, trampolining, rock climbing, cycling, rugby, archery, swimming, multi-sports, horse-riding, sailing, cricket, dance, soft play and more!

Please check out this document with all the information and contact details you need:

Telford and Wrekin and Shropshire

More support

EHCP help
Please find the following link to support you and your child with their Educational Health Care Plan

If your child has a long term physical condition
Please also see our Long term conditions page for more information and support

If you feel your child requires a referral to Physiotherapy
Please see our Getting more help page

If you already have a named Physiotherapist
Please contact them directly if they have given you their contact details, or alternatively via our admin teams at The Stepping Stones Centre Telford on 01952 567300 or Coal House Shrewsbury on 01743 450800

Charities and support groups
Please find below a list of charities and support groups to support children with learning difficulties and their families, Or take a look at our Getting more help page for a full list or useful charities and support groups

  • Shropshire Information Advice and Support Service - 'We provide information, advice and support to parents and carers of children aged 0 to 25, and young people aged 16 to 25 who have, or may have, special educational needs or disabilities'
  • Shropshire Parent and Carer Council - 'PACC supports and empowers Shropshire parents and carers of children with a disability or additional learning needs'
  • Autism West Midlands - Shropshire and Telford - 'We provide specialist pre and post diagnostic information, advice and support and deliver workshops.'
  • Contact - 'We support families, bring families together and help families take action for others.'
  • Mencap - Children and Young People - 'We can help you find the advice and support that's right for your family - from the earliest years to young adulthood.'
  • Scope - Families with disabled children - 'We're Scope, the disability equality charity in England and Wales. We provide practical information and emotional support when it's most needed, and campaign relentlessly to create a fairer society.'
  • IPSEA - 'IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities'

SEND and The Local Offer

What is the Local Offer?

The local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. You can find out more about information about this on our SEND reforms and Local Offers page.

SEND/Local Offer information

The Children's Physiotherapy Therapy team work across all of Telford and Wrekin and Shropshire, we work closely with partners in both Local Authorities and across the wider children’s workforce, to provide physiotherapy assessment, advice, treatment and rehabilitation for children and young people.

In line with the Children and Families Act 2014 each local authority has a Local Offer which aims to bring together useful information across education, health and social care in one place for children and young people, their families, and for professionals. You can find information, advice and guidance, and a range of local service providers who support children and young people aged 0-25 years with SEND.

Please click here to access the Telford and Wrekin SEND Local Offer

Please click here to access the Shropshire SEND Local Offer

Please click here for further information on the trust’s local offer for children and young people with SEND

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Page last reviewed: 10 October 2024
Next review due: 10 October 2025