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Summary Care Records - Additional Information (SCRai)

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How will an Summary Care Record with Additional Information (SCRai) help me?

Essential details about your healthcare can be very difficult to remember, particularly when you are unwell. Having additional information in your SCRai means that when you need healthcare this information will be available to the clinician providing treatment for you, no matter which NHS organisation they work for. It can increase the quality of your care and also empower you if you need some help to communicate your complex care needs.

Certain vulnerable patient groups such as those with dementia or with detailed and complex health problems can particularly benefit from an SCRai. If you are a carer for another person and believe that they may benefit, then you can discuss this with them and their GP practice.

How do I register for an SCRai?

The SCRai is an ‘opt in’ scheme, meaning you will need to complete and return the SCRai consent form or ask your GP for paper copy.

Once you have chosen to add additional information to your Summary Care Record, your GP practice will continue to do this and keep it up to date. Remember that you can change your mind at any time by simply informing your GP practice.

If you were rushed to hospital, how much would the doctor know about you?

It may surprise you to know but other NHS organisations can not automatically see your GP medical history. So if you need treatment at a hospital, A&E, out of hours service, or through 111 or the Ambulance Service they may not know everything you would like them to know about you.

The Summary Care Record which was introduced in 2010 allows NHS organisations to access basic details about you such as your date of birth, allergies and current prescriptions. But, if you have a long term health condition, complex needs or specific personal preferences you may wish for details of these to be shared too.

This is where the Summary Care Record with Additional Information (SCRai) comes in. Your SCRai could include details of:

  • long term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes or heart problems
  • Relevant medical history such a clinical procedures, why you need a particular medicine and the care you are currently receiving
  • Healthcare needs and personal preferences – such as particular communication needs, a long term condition you would like managed in a certain way or you may have made legal decisions or have preferences about your care that you would like known
  • Immunisations – details of previous vaccinations such as tetanus and routine childhood jabs

Please note sensitive information such as fertility treatments, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy terminations or gender reassignment will not be included, unless you specifically ask for them to be included.

Case Study – How a SCRai can help someone with a long term condition

Kate is a busy working mother of three children. She has type 1 diabetes with complications. The last thing she wants is to be admitted to hospital.

  • Kate is out shopping with a friend when she feels shaky and weak. Kate’s friend drives her to the nearest A&E department.
  • By the time she arrives her speech is slurred. Staff identify that she is suffering a hypoglycaemia episode.
  • Kate’s SCRai is accessed and contains information about her diabetes and contact details for her liaison nurse.
  • Kate’s insulin dose is adjusted and her liaison nurse confirms that this is not unusual and Kate does not need to be admitted.
Page last reviewed: 12 December 2023
Next review due: 12 December 2024