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Shropshire School Nurses

School Nurses are qualified registered nurses or midwives with specialist training and experience in public health for children, young people and families.

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School Nurses offer services to school aged children between the ages of 5 to 19 years old and children 5-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) who attend local state schools and some special schools.

The School Nursing Service works closely with The Health Visiting Service who work with children and their families aged 0-5 years.

Public Health Nursing Service

Our services

We offer the following services:

  • Promoting healthy lifestyles
  • Provide holistic health and well-being assessments for some children
  • Health screening, such as the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) completed in Reception and Year 6
  • Supporting pupils with long term health conditions or disabilities such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy
  • Confidential Health and Advice for Teens (CHAT) drop-in’s in secondary schools
  • Primary school and community drop-in’s
  • Working with schools, children and young people to address smoking, alcohol or drugs.
  • Support to parents and carers providing advice on specific issues such as bedwetting or healthy eating
  • Protection of vulnerable children to improve their health outcomes
  • Signposting and access to other services
  • Some sexual health services for teens

How do you refer into this service?

Contact us to request a referral form:

Single Point of Access (SPOA)
General enquiries and appointments:
Tel: 0333 358 3654
Text: 07507 330346

What to bring with you

If we need you to bring anything with you to your appointment, we will notify you of this beforehand.

Where are we?

School nurses are based in community settings and regularly visit schools throughout Shropshire area.

Contact us

Contact us

Single Point of Access (SPOA)
General enquiries and appointments:
Tel: 0333 358 3654
Text: 07507 330346

Who are we?

School Nurses are qualified registered nurses or midwives with specialist training and experience in public health for children, young people and families.

School Nurses offer services to school aged children between the ages of 5 to 19 years old who attend local state schools and some special schools.

The School Nursing Service takes over their care from the Health Visitor at the age of 5.

Child health records are handed over to the school nursing service from the Health Visitor and remain with the School Nursing Service until young people leave school or sixth form

Page last reviewed: 2 April 2024
Next review due: 2 April 2025