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Organisation structures

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On this page, you can find out information about the way our organisation is structured and the senior leadership arrangements. Click on each of the icons to find out about:

  • Our Trust Board - an at-a-glance summary of all our Executive and Non-Executive Directors
  • Trust Governance - a summary of all our key committees
  • Medical Leadership - an overview of our medical leadership arrangements
  • Locality Map - a visual representation of the geographical localities within which our Adult Services are delivered, together with details of key leaders
  • Adult Service Delivery Group structure chart
  • Children, Young People and Families structure chart
  • Nursing and Operations structure chart
  • Nursing and Quality structure chart

These documents are currently being reviewed and will be published again shortly. If urgent they can be requested via the PALs teams.

Page last reviewed: 13 December 2021
Next review due: 30 November 2022