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Vision, objectives and values

The Trust has a vision and objectives that help guide its priorities and work. It also has a range of values which all Trust employees are aware of and help to guide the way we work and what we strive to achieve.

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Our Vision

We will work closely with our health and social care partners to give patients more control over their own care and find necessary treatments more readily available. We will support people with multiple health conditions, not just single diseases, and deliver care as locally and conveniently as possible for our patients. We will develop our current and future workforce and introduce innovative ways to use technology.

Our Values

Improving Lives
We make things happen to improve people's lives in our communities.

Everyone Counts
We make sure no-one feels excluded or left behind - patients, carers, staff and the whole community.

Commitment to Quality
We all strive for excellence and getting it right for patients, carers and staff every time.

Working Together for Patients
Patients come first. We work and communicate closely with other teams, services and organisations to make that a reality.

Compassionate Care
We put compassionate care at the heart of everything we do.

Respect and Dignity
We see the person every time - respecting their values, aspirations and commitments in life – for patients, carers and staff.

Our Goals

This overarching vision will be delivered through four strategic goals agreed by the Trust Board, these are:

  • To deliver high quality care
  • To support people to live independently at home
  • To deliver integrated care
  • To develop sustainable community services

Our Objectives

Good and Beyond

  • Safe
  • Caring
  • Effective
  • Responsive
  • Well-Led

5 Year Plan
Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP)

Optimising the Use of Technology
Implementing Electronic Patient Record

Page last reviewed: 13 December 2021
Next review due: 1 October 2023