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Annual reports and accounts

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Annual reports

The Annual Report is a statutory document that covers our activities and financial accounts for the year.

It includes Summary Financial Statements which are summaries of the primary accounting statements together with some of the notes to the accounts. The Annual Report also includes a Remuneration Report which gives details of senior managers’ remuneration.

The Annual Report provides an in-depth look at how the Trust is governed, including Trust performance and new initiatives. Future Annual Reports are published on the website as they become available.

Annual Accounts

The Trust's full annual accounts sit alongside the Trust's annual report (which contains summary financial information only).

Annual Review

The Trust's Annual Reports are provided below

Self Certification for Provider Licence

In 2017 NHS Trusts were required for the first time to give assurance that they have complied with the NHS Provider Licence and NHS Acts, and have regard to the NHS Constitution, through a process of self-certification. This is required to be updated annually.

Although NHS trusts are exempt from needing the provider licence, directions from the Secretary of State now require NHS Improvement (the Trust’s regulator) to ensure that NHS trusts comply with conditions equivalent to the licence as it deems appropriate. Providers must publish their G6 self-certification following sign-off.

To support the Trust’s self certification, a written assessment of assurances available was considered by the Trust Board in June 2023 and the Board agreed the self-certification. The certificates can be seen below.

Page last reviewed: 15 February 2022
Next review due: 1 October 2022

Contact us

To find out more about the Trust's Annual Report or to order copies, please contact: