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How we spend your money

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Overview of how your money is spent

During the financial year of 2017/18, the Trust spent £74.9m on the provision of healthcare services. This can be broken down into four main areas

  • Our Staff - £50.7m
  • Support Services - £12.8m
  • Clinical Supplies - £9.2m
  • Other - £2.2m

We recognise that as a NHS organisation funded by the public money we have a duty to be transparent and accountable for the money we spend.

We provide a breakdown of money that we spend, as well as providing other corporate information which highlights how we spend your money. This includes documents like our Annual Report and Annual Accounts.

Annual statement of accounts

Each year the Trust publishes an Annual Report which includes Summary Financial Statements. These are summaries of the primary accounting statements together with some of the notes to the accounts. The Annual Report also includes a Remuneration Report which gives details of senior managers’ remuneration.

Budgets and variance reports

The financial performance of the Trust, including the difference between planned and actual expenditure and income, is reported to the Trust Board on a regular basis and can be found within our Board Papers section.

Financial audit reports

The Trust’s Audit Committee approves a series of internal audits prior to the start of each financial year. Internal Audit provide an annual opinion to the Trust Board, through the Audit Committee, on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Trust’s risk management, control and governance processes. The Committee has agreed the financial audits planned for the year and a copy of the internal audit plan can be obtained from the Director of Strategy and Governance.

Standing Financial Instructions

Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs) identify financial responsibilities and the policies and procedures adopted by the Trust. The SFIs are available on the Trust’s website under the Policies page.

Capital programme

Information about the Trust’s Capital programme and information regarding any major plans for capital expenditure can be found within the Board Papers which are published on the Trust’s website.

Staff and Board members' allowances and expenses

Details of staff and board members' allowances and expenses may be found in our annual reports and accounts.

Staff pay and grading structures

The Trust uses the latest payment conditions for NHS staff, covered by the Agenda for Change agreement. For more information, please see the following links:

Procurement and tendering procedures

Detailed information regarding how we conduct procurement and tendering procedures is available on the Tendering and procurement page of our site.

Details of contracts currently being tendered and list and value of contracts awarded

Detailed information regarding how we conduct procurement and tendering procedures is available on the Tendering and procurement page of our site.

Publication of Spend

To find out more about how we spend your money, please see our detailed Publication of spend page.

Page last reviewed: 22 October 2021
Next review due: 1 October 2022