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AHPs in Research Steph

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Allied Health Professions’ Research and Innovation Strategy for England

This Strategy comprises a definitive collective national reference statement that encompasses and supports the existing research and innovation strategies of all the Allied Health professional associations.

HEE Allied Health Professions Research and Innovation Strategy

'Research informed practice is a core principle across the disciplines of allied health and social care, and is a key component of pre-registration training [3-5]. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network’s AHPs Strategy 2018-2020 [6] recognises that realising the potential of AHPs is core to delivering the NIHR’s mission “to provide a health research system in which the NHS supports outstanding individuals, working in world class facilities, conducting leading edge research which is focused on the needs of patients and the public”.' Shaping Practice through Research. The Council for Allied Health Professions in Research (CAHPR)

A new framework for allied health professionals aims to promote a culture of research (

  • Information on research for AHPs
  • Page last reviewed: 19 February 2024
    Next review due: 19 August 2024