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Nursing Care at Home

This part of the website has been designed specifically for GPs, Clinical Commissioning groups, care homes and other care professionals who need the service referral information or access to Trust policies and care leaflets.

How do Care Professionals refer into this service?

GPs can refer directly in to the service. You should contact the most appropriate team that is aligned to your GP practice.

On this page you will find a useful download for Shrewsbury and North Shropshire that highlights which teams are aligned to which GP practices. Please note the Trust is currently working on a similar document for South Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin - in the meantime GPs should continue to contact their appropriate community nursing team as before.

Please also contact the service managers for any further advice or support.

Types of patients regularly seen

The care provided by the Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust's interdisciplinary teams is for adults (over 18 year olds) living in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin who are unable to travel to access specific health care services from their GP or other NHS health care providers.

Patients not seen by this service

We are not able to offer nursing and therapy for patients who are able to travel to a clinic appointment for assessment or treatment. This service does not see children - as there is a specilaist nursing team for children at home.

Frequently asked questions

If a patient can travel to a clinic appointment, can they still access your service at home?

Unfortunately not; if you are able to travel to your clinic appointment, the service will be provided there for you.

Service contacts information

  • Tel: 01743 277677 or
  • Tel: 01952 580322
Page last reviewed: 8 August 2022
Next review due: 1 October 2023