The nearest local Accident & Emergency departments are:
Dinham ward is a 24-bed in-patient ward for rehabilitation and post operative care, prior to patients returning back to their own home. Visiting times are 11am to 8pm, these times may change at short notice due to circumstances beyond our control - please contact the ward on 01584 666047 to check. prior to visiting.
GPs may admit people to these beds and they are also available for the transfer of patients from acute hospitals for rehabilitation
Out of hours
The out of hours service can be contacted by dialing 111.
MIU Opening hours
Monday to Sunday 8am to 8pm
MIU Xray
Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm excluding bank holidays
Tel: 01584 872201
For non-urgent enquires please email Ludlow MIU
Short notice closures
Due to the walk-in nature of the Minor Injuries Unit, on occasions we experience very high numbers of patients or patients requiring immediate care and may need to close the unit at short notice to maintain safe patient care to patients within the unit. Should this happen, a notice on the Minor Injuries Unit door will provide details of other services to access treatment.
Contact the hospital
Tel: 01584 872201
Hospital ward visiting times
Visiting times are between 11am to 8pm daily. However, these times may change at short notice due to circumstances beyond our control. Should you wish to check before visiting please contact Dinham Ward on 01584 666047
How to find us and parking
Ludlow Community Hospital, Gravel Hill, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1QX

Free car parking is available for visitors.
Frequently asked questions
- Is your Minor Injuries Unit open 24 hours?
Please be aware that the minor injury unit is not open 24 hours (hours of operation are provided in the 'MIU information' box)
- Where is the nearest Pharmacy?
Pharmacies nearby are:
Lloyds Pharmacy
1-2 Upper Galdeford
Telephone: 01584 872230Murray Cg and Son
49 Bull Ring
Telephone: 01584 872910Boots UK Ltd
34 Bull Ring
Telephone: 01584 872548
Summary of services provided at this location
Ludlow Community Hospital is in southwest Shropshire and currently has 24 beds (although there is capacity to increase this to 40). The hospital provides in-patient services for patients who need hospital care but do not need admission into an acute (main) hospital.
The hospital also has a maternity unit, minor injuries unit, physiotherapy and out-patient department offering a variety of child and adult clinics.

Specific services offered
- Audiology (hearing services)
- Maternity (outreach from Royal Shrewsbury Hospital)
- Minor Injuries
- Out-patient department (offering adult and child clinics)
- Podiatry
- Physiotherapy
- Renal dialysis
- Speech and language therapy
- X-Rays
Physiotherapy department
Specialist physiotherapy assessments, advice and treatment to help restore movement and function, are provided for patients with the following conditions:
- Continence problems (women)
- Musculo-skeletal dysfunction
- Neurological conditions e.g. Strokes, Multiple Sclerosis (adults only)
- Soft tissue injuries
- Spine and peripheral joint pain
Opening Hours Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Patients are referred by their GP, via the Triage service and from consultants based at the acute hospitals. Please be aware that this is not provided for children with neurological conditions or patients who are housebound.
The people we see
The hospital provides care for patients who have been transferred from an acute hospital for:
- Out-patient services for children and adults
- Palliative care
- Recovery following an operation
- Rehabilitation
Patient referral process
Local GPs may admit patients into in-patient and out-patient services. Out-patient care can be accessed via Choose and Book or Advanced Primary Care Services (APCS).
Patients can also be transferred from acute hospitals for rehabilitation prior to returning home.
What to bring with you to a clinic or an overnight stay
- Appointment cards
- Footwear
- Hearing aids
- Glasses
- Medication
- Mobility aids
- Nightware
- Toiletries
- Urine samples (if requested)
Information for patients and visitors

Patient health, safety and wellbeing
Please help us to protect our patients. If you have any symptoms including diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, raised temperature, headache or aching limbs, please do not visit the hospital until you have been free of symptoms for 48 hours.
Please ensure you use the hand gel provided on entering and leaving wards and departments.

Visitors information
Information leaflets are available on a stand at the entrance of the hospital.
Visiting times
Due to COVID restrictions visiting times on Dinham Ward have changed.
For up-to-date information please contact the Ward direct on 01584 666047.

Meals and catering
All meals are prepared on site with menus available on each ward. Special dietary requirements are catered for.
In-patients will receive nutritional assessments when they are admitted and a weekly visit from a dietician.
- Breakfast: 8am
- Lunch: Midday
- Tea: 5.30pm
Protected mealtimes
The hospital has protected mealtimes that protect patients from unnecessary and avoidable interruptions. This helps to enable our staff to provide patients with support and assistance with meals - placing the patients' mealtimes as a priority in their day.
Services we do not offer
- Ludlow Hospital has a Minor Injury Unit, however this is not a 24-hour Minor Injuries Unit
Useful links
Patient Information
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and our "Local Offer"
What is the Local Offer?
The local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. You can find out more about information about this on our SEND reforms and Local Offers page.
Service Description
The Community Hospital provides services for the local population:
- Maternity Unit
- Minor Injury Unit
- Out-patient services
- Physiotherapy department
- Renal Dialysis Satellite Unit
- X-ray/diagnostic services
What do you provide to children and young people with an additional need and or disability 0-25yrs?
Can access Minor Injury service, X-ray or Paediatric out-patient service including physiotherapy.
Do we provide support for parents and carers?
Staff on site would support parents and carers.
Who can use our service? Age? Disability?
With exception of our in-patient wards, any age and any needs.
How to access our service (inc. referral routes)
The Minor Injuries service is available either via self-referral, or other GP/health professional.
For any of our other services, referral is by GP or other health professional.
When and where is our service available?
All services listed are provided on-site.
Hours of operation
Hours of operation for the following services can be found on their own dedicated pages:
Out-patient clinics
- Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
- Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Maternity Unit
- 7 days a week – 8am to 8pm.
Renal Dialysis Satellite Unit
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6.45am to 6.30pm.
How to find out about the service
Local awareness and sign posting from GP and other agencies and Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust website.
How can families contact the service?
Minor Injuries is a walk-in service; for anything else, contact is via telephone or e-mail. Please see our "Contact us" section on this page (right-hand column).
For external agencies: is the service free or charged?
Prescription charges apply from Minor Injury Units.
Is the service accredited? If so, by whom?
Care Quality Commission
How can families complain if they are not happy with the service?
All complaints are handled by our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints teams.