Bridgnorth Community Hospital and MIU
The Agnes Campbell Ward which is a 25-bed in-patient ward for rehabilitation and post operative care prior to patients returning back to their own home. Visiting Times are 11am - 8pm daily. However, these times may change at short notice due to circumstances beyond our control. Should you wish to check before visiting please contact the Ward on 01746 711035/711036/711038
- Palliative (end of life) Care for those patients that require it.
- Midwife-led Maternity Unit
- Minor Injuries Unit
- Day Surgery Unit
MIU Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday - 8am to 9.30pm. Please allow time to be booked in and seen prior to the closing time
Tel: 01746 711040
Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays - 9am to 5pm. Please allow time to be booked in and seen prior to the closing time
Tel: 01746 711041
Short Notice Closures
Due to the walk-in nature of the Minor Injury Unit, on occasions we experience very high numbers of patients or patients requiring immediate care and may need to close the unit at short notice to maintain safe patient care to patients within the unit. Should this happen, a notice on the Minor Injuries Unit door will provide details of other services to access treatment.
Contact the hospital
Tel: 01746 762641
Email Bridgnorth reception
Agnes Campbell Ward Visiting Times
Visiting hours on the Agnes Campbell Ward are:
Visiting Times are 11am - 8pm daily.
However, these times may change at short notice due to circumstances beyond our control. Should you wish to check before visiting please contact the Ward on 01746 711035/711036/711038
How to find us and parking
Bridgnorth Community Hospital, Northgate, Shropshire, WV16 4EU

A camera-operated system has been introduced at Bridgnorth Hospital – the car park will remain free to use for patients and visitors to the Hospital and to Blue Badge holders visiting the nearby medical practice.
The system will operate as follows:
- A camera will read vehicle number plates upon entry to the Hospital site and again on exit.
- Patients and visitors to the Hospital and Blue Badge holders who are attending the nearby medical practice will be required to enter their vehicle registration details on touch screens located in various departments throughout the Hospital including Main Reception, MIU, X-Ray, Agnes Campbell Ward, Day Surgery, Physiotherapy and Maternity.
- Blue Badge holders attending Bridgnorth Medical Practice will need to come in to the main reception of the Hospital to input their vehicle information before leaving the car park as there will be no touch screen located in the Medical Practice.
- Once the vehicle registration is added via the touch screen patients and visitors will face no charge for using the car park for that visit - the same procedure would have to be followed for any future visits.
Anyone leaving the site without inputting their details will be liable to a fine from Park Solve and would have to contact Park Solve directly to resolve the issue as the administration for this will be dealt with solely by the company.
There are also two large public pay and display car parks located near to the Hospital.
Frequently asked questions
- Do I contact the hospital to arrange a consultant appointment?
Please contact the Appointments Office at Bridgnorth Hospital on 01746 711025 for further information and help with your appointment query.
- Is your Minor Injury Unit (MIU) open 24 hours?
Please be aware that the minor injury unit is not open 24 hours (hours of operation are provided in the 'MIU information' box)
- Where is the nearest pharmacy?
The nearest pharmacy is located at Northgate Health Centre which is on the main hospital site.
Summary of services provided at this location
Bridgnorth Community Hospital is at the heart of the local Bridgnorth and South-East Shropshire community. It has a 25-bed in-patient ward for rehabilitation and post operative care prior to patients returning back to their own home. It also provides palliative (end of life) care for those patients that require it.
The hospital provides services for patients who are 18 or over and who need hospital care but do not need admission into an acute (main) hospital.
The hospital also has a Midwife-Led Maternity Unit (MLU), as well as a Minor Injury Unit (MIU) and Outpatient Clinics for a wide range of specialities and this includes Physiotherapy and Podiatry (specialist foot care services).
In addition to this there is a Day Surgery Unit which operates Monday to Friday. The Day Surgery runs specific consultant-led sessions.
Specific services offered
In-patient services include:
- Audiology (hearing services)
- Diagnostic services available: The X-ray department undertakes both x-rays (referrals for this service are made via your GP or Consultant or through attending the Minor Injury Unit). We also provide ultra-sound scan examinations
- Endoscopy is undertaken within the Day Surgery Unit
- Midwife-led Maternity Ward (this service is provided by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust)
- Minor Injury Unit (Not open 24 hours)
- Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry (foot care)
- Speech and Language Therapy
Out-patient services also include:
- Audiology (hearing services)
- Cardiology
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
- General Medicine / Respiratory
- General Surgery
- Gynaecology
- Neurology
- Trauma & Orthopaedics
- Paediatric clinics
- Podiatry clinics
- Rheumatology
- Speech and Language Therapy
The people we see
The hospital provides care for patients who have been transferred from an acute hospital for:
- Patients requiring rehabilitation
- Recovery following both routine and non-routine surgery
- Palliative care (end of life care)
- Out-patients who require Children or Adult services
- People who have sustained a minor injury
- People who require Minor Day Surgery under local anaesthetic or sedation
- People who require diagnostics such as x-ray, ultrasound or endoscopy.
- Patients can also be transferred from main (acute) hospitals (such as the Royal Shrewsbury or Princess Royal hospitals) and also Royal Wolverhampton Hospital (New Cross) to in-patient ward for rehabilitation prior to returning home.
- GPs may admit people to these beds from the community
Patient referral process
For patients who have suffered a minor injury, they can simply attend at the Minor Injury Unit or they may be referred to the unit by other health professionals.
Local GPs may admit patients into in-patient and refer patients to out-patient services as they deem appropriate.
What to bring with you to a clinic or an overnight stay
If you are attending a clinic you should try and bring with you:
- Current medication
- Urine sample
Please check your letter for further details and specific instructions.
Please ensure that you notify the Hospital and your GP Practice of any changes to your contact details to ensure that we have up-to-date information.
If you are coming in for an overnight stay, please consider bringing the following items with you:
- Appointment card
- Appropriate footwear (i.e. slippers)
- Hearing Aids and Glasses
- Medication
- Mobility Aids
- Nightwear
- Toiletries
Information for patients and visitors

Patient health, safety and wellbeing
Please help us to protect our patients. If you have any symptoms including diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, raised temperature, headache or aching limbs, please do not visit the hospital until you have been free of symptoms for 48 hours.
Please ensure you use the hand gel provided on entering and leaving wards and departments to help protect all concerned.;

Visitors information
There is a foyer area on the in-patient ward for visitors to wait within and we allow two visitors to a bed, per patient.
Visiting Times
Visiting Times on the Agnes Campbell Ward are 11am - 8pm daily. However, these times may change at short notice due to circumstances beyond our control.
Should you have any questions or wish to check before visiting please contact the Ward on 01746 711035/711036/711038, thank you

Meals and catering
Catering is provided on-site by our own staff. We are happy and able to accommodate special dietary needs/requests, with snacks and drinks available for in-patients, in-between the times shown below.
- Breakfast: 8.30am
- Lunch: 12.30pm
- Tea/supper: 5.30pm
'Red Tray' System
We operate a 'red tray' system for patients that require assistance with nutritional intake.

Single sex accommodation
The in-patient ward is separated into two sections, one for men and one for women. By providing same-sex accommodation, this allows the Trust to respect patient privacy and dignity.
Location of services in the hospital
Ground Floor
- Agnes Campbell Ward - Inpatients
- Outpatient Clinics
- Day Surgery Unit
- League of Friends Coffee Area
- Podiatry
- X-Ray Department
First Floor (lift available)
- Midwife-led Maternity Department
- Physiotherapy
- Speech and Language Therapy - Adults
- Integrated Care Services including In-Patient Therapy
- Rapid Response Team
- Administration offices
- Hotel Services office
Bridgnorth League of Friends (Registered Charity No. 515567)
There is a very active Friends group supporting Bridgnorth Community Hospital, which raises money to buy much needed equipment for the hospital and improve facilities for patients and staff. The money is raised from donations, legacies, fundraising activities, income from the 100+ Club and the profits from the League of Friends Coffee Shop.
Many thousands of pounds have been raised over the years thanks to the support of the community and local businesses enabling the purchase of such items as state-of-the-art digital X-Ray equipment in 2018 and decontamination equipment for the Day Surgery Unit in 2021. Patients from the county of Shropshire and beyond benefit from services run using this equipment.
Coffee Shop: 9.30am - 4.00pm Monday-Friday (except the first Friday of each month)
The League Coffee Shop is located next to the X-Ray Department on the ground floor. It is run by a dedicated group of volunteers who serve refreshments and home-made cakes. A well-stocked second-hand bookstall is housed in the shop along with good value greeting cards, jigsaws and brand-new hand knitted baby and toddler wear.
Butterfly Cafe
A Butterfly Cafe is held in the Coffee Shop on the first Friday of every month for people with memory loss issues and their carers.
Fundraising events are held annually throughout the year e.g. Easter and Christmas coffee mornings. Details of these and other events are published in local newspapers and on social media sites.
100+ Club
100+ Club membership costs £12.00 per annum. Draws are made quarterly with three monetary prizes available. For further information contact
If you would like to join the League of Friends as a supporter, volunteer or to help raise money for the hospital, then please telephone 07796 076141, email or leave your details in the Coffee Shop. Follow us on League of Friend Facebook page and Twitter.
Services we do not offer
Please note that the minor injury service is not open 24 hours (hours of operation are provided in the 'MIU information' box)
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and our "Local Offer"
What is the Local Offer?
The local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. You can find out more about information about this on our SEND reforms and Local Offers page.
Service Description
The Community Hospital provides services for the local population:
- Minor Injury Unit
- Out-Patient Services
- X-Ray/Diagnostic Services
- Elderly Rehabilitation In-Patient Ward
- Day Surgery Unit
- Out-Patient Clinics
What do you provide to children and young people with an additional need and or disability 0-25yrs?
Can access Minor Injury Service/ Paediatric Outpatients/ X-Ray Department, or seen by Physiotherapy Department.
Who can use our service? Age? Disability?
With exception of our in-patient wards, any age and any needs.
How to access our service (inc. referral routes)
Referral by GP or self-referral, or other health professionals.
When and where is our service available?
All services listed are provided on-site.
Hours of operation
Hours of operation for the following services can be found on their own dedicated pages:
- Minor Injury Unit
- X-Ray/Diagnostic Services
- Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm
- Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm
South-East Integrated Community Service Team (ICS)
- Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm
How to find out about the service
Local awareness and sign posting from GP and other agencies and Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust website.
How can families contact the service?
Via telephone or e-mail; please see our "Contact us" section on this page (right-hand column).
For external agencies: is the service free or charged?
Prescription charges apply from Minor Injury Units.
Is the service accredited? If so, by whom?
Care Quality Commission
How can families complain if they are not happy with the service?
All complaints are handled by our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints teams.