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This part of the website has been designed specifically for GPs, Clinical Commissioning groups, care homes and other care professionals who need the service referral information or access to Trust policies and care leaflets.

How do Care Professionals refer into this service?

GPs should fill in the referral form on this page and send it to:

Diabetes Specialist Nursing Service
William Farr House
Mytton Oak Road
Tel: 01743 277693

Types of patients regularly seen

The service normally sees adults and children with Type 1 Diabetes or those with Type 2 Diabetes using insulin or requiring insulin therapy.

The service also sees adults with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes wishing to attend Structured Education Programmes.

Patients not seen by this service

Routine Diabetes Care and individual patient appointments for patients with type 2 not on maximum oral agents to regulate their diabetes.

Frequently asked questions

Do you see all patients with Type 2 Diabetes?

Not individually unless they need to start injectable therapies although all patients with Type 2 Diabetes can attend our X-PERT Education Programme.

Do you provide training to care homes?

Not on an individual basis but we run courses specifically for carers.

Contact the Service Manager

  • Service Manager
    Donna Jones
    Tel: 01743 277693
Next review due: 1 October 2022