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Support and Intervention

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CDC - Support and Interventions 2

On this page you will find a list of the different interventions we offer with information about each one. At the bottom of the page, under each heading, there is a list of useful websites and contact details to other services.


Not all children will be eligible for all of these interventions. Your specialist will refer you to the relevant area, if appropriate. You will find this information in your report. Some children will have already accessed some of these interventions if they have been seen by a Speech and Language Therapist before their MDA assessment.

Building Communication Skills through your child’s everyday routine

Who is it for: This parent/carer only workshop.

Length of session/format: Between 1 ½ - 2 hours. (Six weeks after the workshop you will receive a follow up phone call from one of our speech and language therapy team).

Session Aims:

• To consider what skills need to be in place for a child to be an effective communicator

• To discuss the important characteristics of daily routines, and how this can support the development of speech, language and social interaction skills

• The benefits of daily routines, considering this from an adult perspective and then from the child’s

• Share strategies that you can use in your everyday routines to support your child’s understanding of spoken language

• Strategies to cover supporting your child’s expressive communication and social interaction skills too

Introducing Visual Supports to help your child develop their understanding

Criteria - The Visuals workshop is for those who are supporting children who would benefit from structured use of visual systems/strategies due to difficulties arising from any/all areas of their speech, language and communication.

Who is it for - Education settings and parents/carers.

This session aims to provide you with an understanding of -

  • why it is so important to introduce visual supports (eg objects / photos/ pictures) to help your child with their understanding and use of spoken word.
  • how/where to begin
  • using ‘objects of reference’ (when an object carries meaning)
  • using ‘photos of reference’ (when a photo carries meaning)
  • using “first, and then” 2 step sequence board
  • how/when to move from objects to photos

Length of session/format - 1.5 hours (online).

Intensive Interaction

What is it?

Intensive Interaction is an approach to interacting with, and teaching early communication and interaction skills, to those who do not find it easy communicating or being social.

Intensive Interaction is both highly social and mainly responsive in nature, rather than being directive, or goal or target orientated. The approach focuses on using the ‘Fundamentals of Communication’ as a means of establishing and developing improved social communication exchanges. The Fundamentals of Communication (FoCs) are those communication skills and understandings that, in developmental terms, normally precede symbolic speech development: although Intensive Interaction is increasingly used with people who already have some level of speech and language comprehension.

Fundamentals of Communication

• Enjoyment of being with another person.

• Sharing personal space.

• Understanding and use of eye contact.

• Turn taking and shared enjoyment.

• Using vocalisations with a purpose.

• Developing attention and concentration.

• Understanding and using physical contact.

• Understanding and using facial expressions.

• Understanding and using non-verbal communication

• Learning to do sequences of activity with another person

• Learning to regulate arousal levels

Intensive Interaction works by gradually developing enjoyable and relaxed interactive sequences between the interaction partner and the child.

During these sequences the Fundamentals of Communication are rehearsed and learned in a relaxed and free flowing manner.

The techniques of Intensive Interaction were originally developed from research into how young infants naturally develop the highly complex and interrelated skills and understandings of human social communication. These skills and understandings develop over time within, and across, a range of responsive and dynamic social interactions, mainly with their primary caregivers. The frequent repetition of successful Intensive Interaction activities provides the basis for the activities to gradually develop in content, duration and complexity.

For Parents/Carers

• Parent/Carer workshop (Virtual) An introduction to Intensive Interaction and how to get started using the techniques. Session 2hrs

• An opportunity for video feedback and a Face-to-Face session following families contacting the team after a period of using the techniques

For Nursery/School settings

• Twilight setting workshop (Virtual) An introduction to Intensive Interaction and how to get started using the techniques in your setting Session 2hrs

• An opportunity for video feedback and a Face-to-Face session in setting following staff contacting the team after a period of using the techniques

Useful Link: Intensive Interaction - Fundamentals of Communication

Early Bird

Criteria - National Autistic Society (NAS) licenced programmes for parents/carers and settings to support children with autism.

Who is it for - Education settings and parents/carers

Length of session/format - mixture of face to face and online sessions (between 6 to 8 sessions depending on the format)

Useful Link -

Makaton - Taster

Criteria - The Makaton Taster provides a short introduction into what Makaton is and who uses it. Participants will learn approximately 40 Makaton signs and symbols.

Who is it for - Education settings and parents/carers

Length of session/format - 1-1.5 hours (online).

Useful link -


What is PECS?

PECS stands for ‘Picture Exchange Communication System’. It is an approach based on behaviour analysis and uses prompting and reinforcement strategies to lead towards independent communication. PECS consists of six phases and begins by teaching an individual to give a single picture of a desired item or action to a “communicative partner” who immediately honours the exchange as a request. The system goes on to teach discrimination of pictures and how to put them together in sentences. The primary goal of PECS is to teach functional communication.


Following a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and as part of the Multi-disciplinary Assessment (MDA) process, it may be identified that your child would benefit from a trial of the PECS approach to develop their communication skills.


It is a flexible approach, personalised for each child that will consist of a mixture of online calls, sessions in setting and analysis of video clips sent by WhatsApp.

The PECs intervention is supported by time from specialist nursery nurses and speech and language therapists. Team members have been trained by Pyramid Consultants to work with children using the PECS approach.

Should parents or setting require further training in the PECS intervention training can be accessed through Pyramid Consultants.


PECS® - Picture Exchange Communication System (

Rising to the Challenge

'Rising to the challenge - the early years’ is a series of 6 weekly webinars created by Autism West Midlands to help parents and carers understand more about Autism Spectrum Disorder. They take place over 6 weeks, starting in November. Parents and carers have the opportunity to join the live webinar or watch the recording. There is an optional teams session following each webinar. They are led by an Autism specialist, and include topics such as

Autism and Supporting Social Communication

Autism and Sensory

Autism and Behaviour

Autism and Food

Autism and toileting/sleep

For more information, please see the Autism West Midlands website

Useful Links and Contacts

Support for communication difficulties

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy advice line • Telephone: 01743 450 800 Option 4

Support for sensory issues

Children’s OT advice line • Telephone: 01743 450 800 Option 2 • Email:

Children's OT Sensory Information

There is a wealth of information about practical skills and sensory behaviours in the Falkirk information pack : at (download the ‘Making Sense of Sensory Behaviour’ booklet).

Understanding Autism

Autism West Midlands provides a series of one-hour webinars followed by an optional Microsoft Teams session covering topics such as Autism Awareness, Supporting Social Communication, Sensory Issues & Daily Living, Analysing & Managing Distressed Behaviours, Food issues and Toileting.

National Autistic Society

The Telford Autism Hub

Autism Central for Parents and Carers Autism Central offers a wealth of resources for parents, carers and personal assistants of autistic people in England – from articles and learning materials to signposting you to services and support in your local area.

Support in educational settings

Shropshire SEND teams • Telephone: 01743 254267 • Email:

IASS (SEN advice & support) • Telephone: 01743 280019

Requesting an EHCP

Autism school resource pack

Sleep support

Cerebra Sleep Advice

The Sleep Charity

National Autistic Society. Sleep - a guide for parents of autistic children

0-19 Public Health Nurses • Telephone: Health Visitor Team 0333 3583328 • Text back service: (07520) 619053

Further support


Parent & Carers Council (PACC)


Family Information Service

Sensory Inclusion Service

Parenting Team • Email:

SEND Local Offer

The All in Programme • Website:


Parent Opening Doors (PODS) Charity encompasses the local parent carer forum and also a wider range of support offers including activities, groups, befriending, sensory room, opportunities for families to get together and to access peer led support. Find our more by contacting or 01952 458047 or take a look at our website


Sensory Inclusion Service

SEND Local Offer

Shropshire and Telford

Contact - for families with disabled children

Family Lives

Understanding your child with additional needs Ourplace

Disability Living Allowance • Telephone: 0800 121 4600 • Website:

Next review due: 1 June 2024