Who is it for?
Children with Down’s syndrome frequently have complex speech and language difficulties. They may also have some feeding difficulties during the neonatal period and when progressing through the stages of weaning. Therefore, your child may be referred to the speech and language therapy service from birth.
What will happen?
Speech and Language Therapists from the complex needs team provide assessment, advice and support to parents/carers and educators to enable them to facilitate a child’s progress in the areas of communication and feeding.
This input is provided as part of the multi-disciplinary team and we will work closely with parents/carers, other health professionals and professionals from education.
The emphasis is always on providing carers and educators with the information and the tools they need in order to work with the child on a daily basis through daily activities and play.
Input will be a combination of face-to-face assessment/review, speech and language programmes, remote training workshops, sign-posting to external sources (e.g. The “See & Learn” Programmes) and face to face individual or group therapy.
Links and Leaflets
Down Syndrome Education International