Whitchurch Community Hospital
This page is for all care professionals who need the service referral information or other relevant documentation.
How do Care Professionals refer into this service?
Whitchurch GPs can refer directly to their own bed allocation within the community hospital by using the contact details on this page.
For all other referrals, telephone the Care Co-ordination Centre on 01743 454903
Types of patients regularly seen
Whitchurch Community Hospital lies at the heart of the local community and provides a range of high-quality services to local people. These include:
- Community Midwifery
- Minor Injuries Unit
- Occupational Therapy
- Outpatients' clinics
- Phlebotomy (blood tests)
- Physiotherapy
- Rehabilitation Ward
- Speech and language therapy
- X-ray
The type of patients normally seen by the hospital include those that do not need acute (main) hospital care but may need rehabilitation care before returning home.
Patients not seen by this service
Whitchurch Hospital does not see patients who need very specialist acute (main) hospital care, or patients that need to go to an accident and emergency unit for a life-threatening or urgent condition.
The hospital does have a Minor Injury Unit, though this is not open 24 hours a day.
Contact the Service Manager
Locality Clinical Manager
Jane Hollins
Tel: 01948 666292