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Text Messaging (SMS)

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Introduction to our text messaging reminder service

Some of our services will be using SMS text messages to contact patients waiting for treatment.

Patients will receive a text message reminding them about an upcoming appointment.

The text message will come from "NHS-NoReply". The service is one-way so do not respond as this may incur a charge.

For patients who do not have a mobile phone number recorded, they will receive a letter in the post or a telephone call asking to confirm this information to ensure the correct information is captured.

How does the appointment reminder system work?

You will receive a reminder up to 2 weeks before your appointment via the mobile number we have on our system for you.

The reminder will inform you of the date/time of the appointment and the specialty. This message is one way only and you will not be able to reply to it.

You will then receive a second reminder closer to your actual appointment.

Both reminders will contain a contact telephone number for the service should you wish to discuss your appointment, cancel, or rearrange, or update the details we have.

Will my appointment be cancelled if I do not contact the service?

If you do not contact the service, we will assume you are still able to attend your appointment.

Important! This message is one way only and you will not be able to reply to it

If you fail to attend your appointment without informing us, you may be discharged back to the care of your GP. If you then need a further appointment you will need to go back to your GP for a new referral. This is in accordance with our Access Policy.

Is the appointment reminder free of charge?

The appointment reminder SMS messages are free to receive to your mobile.

What happens if my contact details change?

If your contact details change, please call via the number on the message or on your appointment letter. You can also inform a staff member at the reception desk if you are visiting the site.

How do I opt out of the service?

Please call via the number on the message or on your appointment letter. You can also inform a staff member at the reception desk if you are visiting the site.

Next review due: 1 April 2024