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Falls Therapy Service

This part of the website has been designed specifically for GPs, Clinical Commissioning groups, care homes and other care professionals who need the service referral information or access to Trust policies and care leaflets.

How do Care Professionals refer into this service?

All referrals should be emailed via RAS or directly to the Service.

If referring directly into the service, a Falls referral form and FRAX will need to be completed. An up to date EMIS summary will also need to be sent with the referral.

Types of patients regularly seen

Adults living in Shropshire communities, registered with a Shropshire GP, identified as having fallen, or at risk or fearful of falling.

This is generally for over 65s, but younger adults identified at risk will be considered according to their individual needs, as per NICE guidelines.

All referrals should be directed to RAS or

Patients not seen by this service

The service does not see the following patients:

  • We are not an acute service.
  • We do not offer assessment or interventions to residents of care homes - please contact community physiotherapy services.
  • Patients residing in Shropshire but registered with a GP in Wales

Community Trust staff in Telford and Wrekin screen/ assess patients who are registered with Telford and Wrekin GPs in their own home, however, the Paul Brown Day Unit at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford is commissioned to deliver falls exercise programmes for Telford and Wrekin patients.

Service contacts information

Tel: 0330 024 8284
Email the team
Falls Therapy Service
Tel: 01743 730035
Email the team

Contact key clinician(s)

Team Leader for the Falls Therapy Service
Beverley Williams
Tel: 01952 204476 Ext 222

Page last reviewed: 2 April 2024
Next review due: 2 April 2025