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Wound Care (tissue viability specialist nursing)

This part of the website has been designed specifically for GPs, Clinical Commissioning groups, care homes and other care professionals who need the service referral information or access to Trust policies and care leaflets.

How do Care Professionals refer into this service?

For all referrals please send a completed referral form with clinical images to:

(Please note – Tissue Viability service hours are Monday - Friday 09.00 - 17.00, weekends and bank holidays are not covered)

Types of patients regularly seen

The Tissue Viability Service provides a specialist service to patients with a wide variety of complex wounds including pressure ulcer prevention and management, management of leg ulceration, management of traumatic injuries and complex non-healing wounds.

The Tissue Viability Service delivers competency-based education and training to all staff. We offer advice and support to staff, patients and carers.

We have a multidisciplinary approach to a program of care.

Patients not seen by this service

We do not offer a wound dressing service.

Frequently asked questions

Do you provide a Doppler assessment service?

As part of our holistic patient assessment we may perform this procedure however we would expect this to be performed if possible as part of the referral to the service.

Do you provide a service to the care homes?

Yes we provide a service to all residential and nursing homes.

Do you work in the acute hospitals?

No, we cover Shropshire Community only.

Service contacts information

Tissue Viability Service
Unit D7
Hortonwood 7
Tel: 01952 670925

Page last reviewed: 4 April 2024
Next review due: 4 April 2025