Our services
What our service provides:
- Help you to cope better with your Lung condition.
- Improve your ability to do the things you want, when you want.
- Increase your level of activity by helping you get fitter and increasing your confidence.
- Help you understand what is happening with your lungs.
- Encouragement to make improvements on your own after the programme has finished.
- My COPD App enrolment and support
New patients
If you feel you may benefit from the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service. A referral can be made directly to us through your GP, Practice nurse or other Health care Professional. We will contact you to invite you for an initial assessment.
Our initial assessment consists of a group introduction of Pulmonary Rehabilitation followed by a 1-1 conversation with a clinician. We will take clinical observations of Blood pressure, Heart rate and Oxygen Saturations. During this assessment an Incremental shuttle walk test will be undertaken to obtain your baseline level before the start of a programme.
What to Expect from the Programme
The programme will be structured in group setting and will consist of a mixture of exercise and educational talks over a 6-week period. You will be invited to attend our session twice weekly.
- 1 x 2 hour session of Education and Exercise
- 1 x 1 hour session of Exercise
Each Education session is designed to help you understand:
- What your lungs look like, how they work and what changes have happened
- Learn how to cope with the three main problems caused by the damage done to your lungs:
- Shortness of breath
- Sputum production
- Deconditioning
- Ways improve your quality of life through Energy saving, pacing and Nutrition.
- Understand how your medication works and how to use your medication effectively to control your symptoms.
- Opportunities to ask questions about your chest problems.
During the Exercise element of the course, you are supported to participate in gentle exercise, these sessions are specifically tailored for your ability and needs.
- All Exercises are related to activities we all do everyday to help you pace yourself better.
- The Exercises provided can be done anywhere with little to no special equipment.
- To gain the most benefit from the programme we ask you complete exercises at home in between sessions.
- We encourage the recording of each exercise so you can see your own progression and improvement.
Services we do not offer
The service is not available to non-respiratory patients or under 18s.
What to bring with you
For the initial assessment, we recommend you bring along your Medication list and any Aids you require such as glasses, Hearing aids, walking aids and Oxygen (if applicable)
When starting the 6-week programme we suggest you wear comfortable loose-fitting clothing and appropriate footwear as well as glasses (if required) a drink and a pen.
Where are we?
As a service we cover Shropshire, Telford ands Wrekin areas

Contact us
Out of hours
The out of hours service can be contacted by dialing 111.
Contact us
Telford Office
Halesfield 6
Shrewsbury Office
Louise House
Roman Road
Any enquiries Contact:
Tel: 01743 730036
Email: shropcom.pulmonaryrehab@nhs.net
Office hours
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Who are we?
The Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a Multi-disciplinary team consisting of Specialist Respiratory clinician including, Specialist Physiotherapists, Specialist Nurses, Rehabilitation Technicians and Administration

Useful links
For more information log onto the national website below: