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How we make decisions

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How we make decisions

Board papers, agenda, supporting papers and minutes

These are the reports and papers for our Board meetings, which are placed on this website a few days before each meeting. They can be found in our Board Papers section of the site. The Board papers are organised by year and month of the meeting. Board meetings are held in public every other month and members of the public are welcome to attend to observe, and there is an opportunity to ask a question.

Patient and public involvement

The Trust is continuing to develop a number of ways of involving patients, carers and the public in its work. These include:

  • The establishment of a Trust Patient, Carer and Volunteer Panel. This has over 30 members covering service users and carers, stakeholder organisations and staff and meets four times a year with thematic activity in between meetings
  • Specific meetings with relevant health economy groups/organisations such as Health Watch
  • Liaison and feedback with young people through our School nurses
  • Volunteer taster sessions, induction and training in assisting with service user feedback for patient stories , observations, focus groups, surveys and co-production
  • Service user and volunteer involvement in key some Trust staff interviews
  • Specific Engagement projects

Internal Communications Guidance

The Trust believes that successful internal communications help to facilitate shared understanding, improved quality and development of a meaningful organisational culture. The Trust employs a specialist communications professional who takes the lead for formal internal communications. There is a regular all staff email (The Staff Noticeboard), weekly email from the Chief Executive and virtual staff briefings via Microsoft Teams, as well as other relevant communications and marketing campaigns to raise awareness and engage staff.

The Trust’s internal communications and engagement methods allow the opportunity for staff to enter into two-way dialogue with senior managers from different directorates and with the Chief Executive – to discuss the direction and milestones of the Trust as well as to find out Trust priorities.

Page last reviewed: 3 April 2024
Next review due: 3 April 2025