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Community Children's Doctors

This page is for all care professionals who need the service referral information or other relevant documentation.

How do Care Professionals refer into this service?

To refer a patient in to the service, GPs should use the TRAQS service indicating clearly that it is a referral to a "Consultant Community Paediatrician".

Types of patients regularly seen

Our service is for children and young people aged 0-16 years old but this extends to under 19 years for children with complex neurodisability educated full time in local specialist provision.

We provide medical assessment, diagnosis and management to children with neurodisabilities and offer health surveillance for the related chronic health needs. Children we typical see, include those with:

  • cerebral palsy and other complex neurodisabling conditions requiring Community Paediatric surveillance
  • chromosome or syndrome disorders (e.g Down's Syndrome) requiring Community Paediatric surveillance
  • developmental difficulties in preschool children
  • autistic spectrum disorder in preschool children
  • coordination difficulties 'dyspraxia' (medical assessment only to exclude neuromuscular conditions)
  • severe learning difficulties in school age children (medical assessment only looking for linked health conditions)
  • Tics and Tourettes concerns (only to exclude neurological conditions)

ASD professionals presentation

Patients not seen by this service

We sometimes receive inappropriate referrals for the following conditions:

  • General medical conditions - for example asthma, eczema, headaches, epilepsy
  • Autism assessments in the over 5s.
  • ADHD assessments - we do not offer this service.
  • Behavioural issues - this should initially be referred to the Local Authority Early Help Services. Family Connect for Telford (Tel 01952 385385) or First Point of Contact (FPOC) for Shropshire (Tel 0345 678 9021).
    In children under 5 years in whom the behaviour is suspected to be part of an underlying neurodevelopmental condition, we may offer an initial medical assessment looking for any medical conditions, but we are not able to provide on-going behaviour management support.
  • Emotional/Mental Health concerns - we are a service for physical health and neurodisabilities. Mental Health and Wellbeing is commissioned separately.
  • Diagnosing Tics and Tourette's syndrome
  • 'dyslexia' and specific learning difficulties - this is assessed by educational professionals
  • Obesity and growth problems – Community Paediatrics are not commissioned to provide this service but patients can get helpful advice on the Keeping healthy pages
  • Constipation - our Trust runs a Nurse-led children's constipation service
  • Enuresis - referrals should be sent to the Nurse -led Paediatric Service
  • Sleep - we do not have specialised expertise to assess for and manage sleep disorders, we do not provide on-going management for behavioural sleep problems
  • Feeding problems
  • Identifying Learning Disability in children not already under our care. Community Paediatricians are not trained to carry out cognitive (IQ) assessments, one of the criteria that can be used as part of the workup to identify a Learning Disability. We are Neurodevelopmental Paediatricians which means we assess childrens’ development and the tools we use are only able to be administered on the under 5's.

Service contacts information

For Shropshire County patients:
Coral House
11 Longbow Close
Harlescott Lane
Tel: 01743 450800
For Telford and Wrekin patients:
Stepping Stones Centre
Brunel Road
Tel: 01952 972431

Contact the Service Manager

  • Clinical Services Manager
    Luisa Guglielmoni
    Tel: 01743 450800

Contact key clinician(s)

  • Clinical Lead for the Service
    Dr D Short
    Tel: 01743 450800
Page last reviewed: 30 January 2025
Next review due: 30 January 2026