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Allergy Services

This part of the website has been designed specifically for GPs, Clinical Commissioning groups, care homes and other care professionals who need the service referral information or access to Trust policies and care leaflets.

How do Care Professionals refer into this service?

Referrals for the Advanced Primary Care Service (APCS) Allergy services are to be sent via Choose and Book or if the GP Surgery is not on Choose and Book they can be posted to: APCS, Louise House, Roman Road, Shrewsbury.

If you are a GP with a general enquiry regarding this service please contact 01743 251564

Types of patients regularly seen

Patients normally seen by the service are those with suspected allergic reaction or hypersensitivity which requires further advice and/or investigation.

Frequently asked questions

What are Advanced Primary Care Services (APCS)?

Advanced Primary Care Services see a variety of patients needing specialist, but not hospital treatment, for particular health problems.

These services have been developed using the skills of practitioners with special interests who are GPs, nurses, therapists and other health professionals who develop additional expertise which enables them to expand their clinical practice in a defined area.

These advanced practitioners are able to diagnose, manage and treat more simple problems and procedures in primary care, so reducing the need for a referral into main hospital/ consultant care.

What are General Practitioners with special interests (GPwSIs)?

They are General practitioners (GPs) who supplements their core generalist role in a doctors surgery by delivering an additional high-quality service to meet the needs of patients. They must-

Demonstrate appropriate levels of skill and competence to fulfil the role they are specialist in (probably a postgraduate diploma in the relevant field).

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the key role the GPwSI is being asked to fulfil this is done through a vigorous process and accreditation with a local panel of professionals

Understand the appropriate clinical pathway.
Understand and participate in the clinical network in relation to the clinical pathway.
Set out commitment to ongoing training, updates and education through appropriate appraisal and a personal development plan.

Make appropriate indemnity arrangements.
Make appropriate peer review and mentoring arrangements. Demonstrate how the role fits the existing portfolio. Provide evidence of professional registration and recognition on a PCT performers list.

Service contacts information

Anyone wishing to contact the service directly can do so by calling:
Tel: 01743 251564

Contact the Service Manager

Community Treatment Services Manager
Tel: 01743 277684

Contact key clinician(s)

General practitioner with Special Interests (GPwSI)
Doctor Robin Terry
Tel: 01743 251564

Next review due: 1 October 2022